Meet the Pilots: Accelligence & CETMA Composites

DiMAT continued the “Meet the Pilots” series with an insightful interview featuring Aris Zompras from Accelligence & Silvio Pappadà from CETMA Composites,

The Pilot 2 from DiMAT, is run by Acceligence, a Cyprus-based company specializing in cutting-edge R&D activities focused on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), haptics and other robotic solutions.

It is also run by Cetma Composites Srl (CETCOMP), an SME that leverages the multiannual expertise of CETMA Research Centre on carbon fibre, thermoplastics and recycling and whose mission includes the production and sale of composite material products for sport, furniture and leisure sectors and also aeronautic sectors.

This interview offers valuable insights into the DiMAT scope and objectives, making it easier for the general public to understand our purpose. 

To watch the video, click in the button below: