Meet the Suite Leaders: AMS

The first chapter of the DiMAT Suite Leader Series highlights the Suite 3 role in the DiMAT Project. Suite 3 is represented by ADVANCED MATERIAL SIMULATION SL and the interview is made to Javier Gomez.

In this new series we will introduce DiMAT solutions called Suites. Each DiMAT Suite will consist of 3 toolkits. They are designed to meet all the production needs of material manufacturing companies.

This interview is focused on the role of AMS in the DiMAT project, talking about which Suite it is leading, how are the toolkits within it connected and how are they different or better from what exists out on the market. It provides valuable insights into the scope and objectives of DiMAT, making it easier for the general public to understand our mission.


DiMAT Simulation and Optimization Suite – DiSOS

The main goal of this suite is to improve material mechanical properties and material performance, to increase of on-time completion and material operational characteristics, to reduce material for testing and prototyping procedures and material production cost.​ These set of tools will work together to create efficient simulation processes and determine the behaviour of mechanical characterization models for use in AI training and prediction.



DiMAT Materials Mechanical Properties Simulator DiMMS

toolkit for determining numerically mechanical properties such as stiffness, tensile strength, plasticity, viscoelastic and viscoplastic properties, damage, fracture, fatigue, etc.


DiMAT Materials Processing Simulator DiMPS

toolkit for determining manufacturing conditions and concepts while simulating their application, results and requirements, in each one of the materials, processes, and processing conditions found at the DiMAT Open Cloud Materials Database.


DiMAT Digital Twin for Process Control DiDTPC

digital counterpart of the IoT devices considered within DiMAT that provides a set of abstractions, virtualized functions, and APIs to support real and simulated manufacturing processes.


This interview offers valuable insights into the DiMAT scope and objectives, making it easier for the general public to understand our purpose. 

To watch the full interview video on our YouTube Channel, click in the button below: